To make this website as universally accessible as possible it has been designed to comply with:
The World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative.
WebXact/Bobby – Priority 1 guidelines and, where possible, Priority 2 & 3.
W3C Valid XHTML.
W3C Valid CSS.
WCAG AccMonitor.
The following features have also been implemented:
- A “Skip Navigation” menu on each page to enable visually and physically handicapped users to skip to the main page content.
- Access keys to ensure quick navigation of the site (see below).
- Re-sizeable text accessed through the browser’s text size option. When you resize text with the text size option refresh the page using the browsers refresh button to ensure the content updates properly.
- All images have text alternatives for users of text-only browsers.
- If javascript, images, CSS, sound and colour are disabled the site remains useable.
- Menus and page content can be “tabbed” through in logical order.
- The site is useable with a screen-reader, as well as without a mouse.
For further information about the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) visit
Access Keys
The access keys assigned to the major links are consistent throughout the site. They are:
S. Skip to Navigation
1. Home Page
3. Site Map
8. Terms and Conditions
9. Contact / Feedback
0. Accessibility
P. Privacy Policy
Hold down the ALT or CONTROL key (depending on your browser) along with the Access Key. On some browsers you will need to then press ENTER
Browser Compatibility
This site has been designed and tested so as to be operable on the most recent versions of the following browsers:
Windows based PC’s
- Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox / Opera / Chrome
- Safari / Firefox
Whilst the site is compatible with the browsers listed above, there may be some visual differences. However, every effort has been made to reduce any dissimilarities to a minimum.
If you have difficulty accessing or using the site please contact: