Career Coaching for New Graduates


The step from study to working life is not easy, particularly if you do not have a clear career direction. Our career coaching for new graduates guides you to find that direction. We can help you work through your values and motivation, talents and education, aims and aspirations, to find a suitable target. We can also support you through job hunting, CV writing and interview preparation.

What we will not do is tell you what to do – you know how you want to live your life, and we will not impose our own views.


How well you are able to fit in with the world of work affects how attractive you are to employers. This is not only a question of your abilities or your qualifications, but also attitude and character.

The Carrus assessment measures the qualities clearly associated with performance, wellbeing and rapid transitions into new roles. This helps individuals understand the qualities they need to develop and demonstrate – and which will help future proof their careers. Coaching can add to this.

Carrus comes with a development report and additionally a 16 page career management guide.

Carrus can form part if a coaching package (at additional cost), or we have specific Carrus related packages including a debrief and different amounts of coaching. Details can be found on our Fees page. Any of these packages contribute to career coaching for new graduates.