Category Archives: Uncategorized

Five Tips to Manage Your Career over the Holiday

The Christmas holiday gives time for managing your career to most people. Here are 5 quick tips for how to approach this.

  1. Update your CV. Have it ready to use if the perfect job comes up, or there is an emergency. Add in you achievement and experience for 2019 – it is easy to forget hat you have done.
  2. Think about your happiness with you job and your boss.
  3. If you boss is the problem, are there reasons for them acting that way? Can these be addressed?
  4. What is the next step in your career? How can you get closer by adding to you experience and skills?
  5. Even if your employer does not provide training, look at what is available online for free or at a low cost. Some is of limited quality, some is excellent – some is university level.

It is up to you to manage your career, so take advantage of the extra time. If we can help, see the Christmas opening hours on the homepage

New Taster Session Option

It is not always easy to explain coaching – it is better to experience it (and us) to understand it properly.

We have therefore introduced a 30 minute remote taster session. This takes place by phone or online by Skype or equivalent.

So if you want a no commitment way to try coaching, let us know. (For fees, see our fees page).

Latest Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is now available here

The Secret to Pursuing Your Own Vision of Career Success


Having a rewarding career depends upon pursuing your own vision of professional success. Otherwise, you’re likely to spend your days trying to live up to the expectations of others or mindlessly drifting from one job to the next.