And are you too reachable? Or do you make unfair demands on colleagues?
Learn more on the latest Brumpod, on all good platforms or here
And are you too reachable? Or do you make unfair demands on colleagues?
Learn more on the latest Brumpod, on all good platforms or here
Every day we make choices that influence our pace and quality of life. All too often we are completely unconscious of the choices we are making and how they affect our life. Generally we are operating from habit, instinct or need. On one hand, this can be less stressful, as we do not have to think through every one. On the other, it is all too easy to carry on activities which are no longer needed, interfering with the rest of our lives. Bad habits also interfere with our work, which in turn affects our out of work lives. We need to review our decisions from time to time, and be conscious and deliberate about making them. If we do not, the negative consequences can leave us stressed, overwhelmed, or out of control. That in turn can lead to ill health and family problems
As you start a new month, become more aware of the many choices you have already made and decide how many are still right.
Living life out of balance – at a frantic pace — comes with a price. Not only for those people experiencing the imbalance, but also for their friends, families and loved ones, and the companies they work for. And the schools, charities and other organisations missing out on volunteers.
Did you know that companies lose hundreds of pounds per person every year due to work place stress? Did you know that 80% of people feel stress on the job and that stress is the number 1 health problem? Did you know that prolonged stress leads to both physical and mental symptoms? And global studies indicate that 70% of workers do not feel they have good work-life balance.
Frantic, chaotic, hectic lifestyles not only come at the cost of the joy we find in life, but also create a feeling of loss of control, while negatively impacting everyone and everything around us. And it makes us perform less well at work, making us more frantic still!
Make 2019 different and choose to move towards balance, so instead of paying the ‘price’, you can reap the ‘reward’.